Rib Discomfort During Pregnancy

Expectant mothers can often experience a number of symptoms throughout their pregnancy. One common discomfort is rib pain . Mother’s body is constantly changing throughout the trimesters, causing weight shifting on her spine and rib cage area. There are different causes that might be giving the mother that very common pain in the ribs. Some of these causes are: 

  • The hormone relaxin plays a big part in helping mom’s  abdominal muscles to stretch to accommodate the growing uterus. The rib cage area also is stretched to balance the pressure applied by the growing uterus on the diaphragm. 

  • The growing baby’s position often causes some pains and aches depending on their position in the womb. Baby can be transverse, breached, or head down kicking towards the diaphragm /ribs. 

  • Baby’s growth causes the mother's body to change posture and center of gravity , where the body starts feeling stress due to the baby's weight. Carrying the extra weight can put additional stress on muscles around the rib cage. 

  • Round ligament tightness which pain can be felt in the lower rib, pelvis and lower back area. 

  • Indigestion or heartburn adds pressure on the chest, making the area to be sore and painful at times. 

Chiropractic care helps reduce joint restriction and improve mobility, making it easier for the body to function. In combination with targeted stretches and strengthening exercises, posture can be corrected, helping you to function better. 

For more information or to schedule an appointment, give us a call (216)952-3830 or send an email to drdelgad@clechiropractic.com .