Baby Feeding Issues and Chiropractic Care

Nursing or feeding issues can be quite common, especially with newborns. Many parents find themselves facing challenges including their baby having difficulty latching, excessive crying during feedings, or general feeding aversion. So what can you do? Consult specialists who specialize in pediatric care and specifically feeding issues! It is important to consult a provider who specializes in infant feeding as they can best help identify issues and provide solutions. A pediatric chiropractor can be very helpful to identify the source of the issues and help baby’s ability to feed. 

Understanding Baby Nursing Issues

Babies may experience nursing issues for various reasons. These could include difficulty latching, tongue tie, lip tie, neck or spine tension, torticollis, reflux, colic, or sensitivities. These issues can be frustrating for both the baby and the parents, leading to stress and anxiety. Pediatric specialists, including chiropractors, work to find the cause of the dysfunction, offer treatment options, and provide home recommendations as well.

Chiropractic Care for Babies

Chiropractic care for babies involves gentle, specific, non-invasive adjustments to help improve movement and function of the body. These adjustments aim to ensure that the baby's nervous system is functioning optimally and that any tension or restrictions of the spine, soft tissue, and cranial areas are corrected. These restrictions, also known as subluxations, can interfere with the flow and communication of the nervous system, which then affects the baby’s overall health and function, including feeding. By performing gentle adjustments, chiropractors aim to restore proper function, potentially improving the baby's ability to breastfeed or bottle-feed more comfortably. 

Pediatric chiropractic care is well-researched and a 2017 study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that chiropractic care might help babies with breastfeeding difficulties. Chiropractic is a non-invasive and drug-free approach that aims to support the body's natural ability to heal and function optimally. Additionally, some parents have reported improvements in their baby's feeding behavior after chiropractic adjustments. 

A Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Pediatric chiropractors also work with other providers including lactation consultants, pediatric physical therapists and occupational therapists, and pediatric dentists or oral specialists to provide comprehensive and collaborative care to support and restore optimal function for the baby and feeding. 

At Cleveland Chiropractic, our chiropractors are trained and specialize in pediatric chiropractic care, helping babies to function optimally and thrive. If your baby or someone you know has a baby who is struggling with feeding, please reach out–we may be able to help!