Baby's First Adjustment

Majority of new moms at the office ask me when would be the best time to bring their little ones for a chiropractic adjustment. What are the benefits of a baby getting adjusted? Is it really necessary?  To answer the question about when would be a great time to bring their newborns, there is not a right or wrong answer but I do always encourage the parents to get their baby checked as soon as possible. And This is why!

Birth trauma continues to be an under-treated issue. Complications during birth can create misalignments and restrictions on the baby’s spinal column. It is important to know that most of the neurological development happens within the first year of life. When there are restrictions in their bodies, some might begin to present symptoms such asdifficulty breastfeeding or latching, torticollis, colic, acid reflux and digestive issues. 

Adjustments for baby’s are very gentle and use less force than the pressure you would apply to your own eye. Yes! It is very gentle! This pressure is enough to correct the restrictions and create changes so the baby's body can work in it’s optimal capacity. 

What happens when my children get older? Do they still need to get adjusted regularly?

During children's growing phases, they start to reach different milestones that are key to a healthy development. Early milestones happen within the first year. A few examples are: holding their head steady without support, rolling from back to tummy position,  holding toys or bottles in their hands, crawling, climbing,  standing up without support and walking. 

Later, during their more independent stages, children will engage in more complicated activities such as kicking a ball, grabbing a bat, dancing, running, hopping and maybe participating in sports. 

All of these activities play an important role in your child’s development even though we don’t realize that often. While reaching these milestones, your child’s body can get misaligned and restricted during the process. It is completely normal! But when the restriction stays on their body for a longer period of time it can cause muscle tightness, joint restrictions and discomfort that can interfere with the child’s daily activities.

Chiropractic care reduces the stress to their bodies and nervous system allowing the body to perform optimally and improve their potential for healing and wellness. Adjustments for the little ones are completely different from adult adjustments. Restrictions are corrected with gentle pressure or using an instrument called an Activator. 

Symptoms mentioned above respond very well to chiropractic care which also supports milestone development and immunity. The purpose of treatment is to restore and maintain normal body function so your little one grows into a happy and healthy adult!

If you are interested in getting more information on how we can help, please visit our website, send an email to or contact us as (216)952-3830. 

Chat soon!, 

Dr. Shirley