Heartburn During Pregnancy

One of the most common and irritating symptoms during pregnancy is heartburn. This uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest and into the throat can happen any time of the day, however is most common at night when laying down to go to sleep. Heartburn may be caused by pregnancy hormones (progesterone and relaxin) that cause relaxation of soft tissue in the body, including the lower esophageal sphincter which connects the stomach to the esophagus. If the sphincter is more relaxed, this allows stomach acid to travel into the esophagus causing irritation. These hormones also slow down the production of stomach acid which is needed for proper digestion of food and may lead to heartburn. 

Another common reason for heartburn during pregnancy is due to the stomach and diaphragm being shifted up to make room for growing baby. As baby takes up more room in the abdomen, there is less room for the stomach, making it easier for food and acid to travel into and irritate the esophagus. Heartburn is usually the worst during the end of the 2nd trimester/beginning of the 3rd. It typically improves later in the 3rd trimester as baby moves down preparing for birth.

The good news is there several safe, natural ways to help alleviate and may even prevent heartburn during pregnancy:

1.      Get adjusted! Adjustments and manual therapy may help relax the diaphragm and shift the esophageal valve into a more functional position. Also, chiropractic adjustments may help improve function of the parasympathetic nervous system which controls relaxation and digestion. Your chiropractor can also review things you can do at home to help relieve heartburn symptoms.

2.      Change positions: Avoid reclining or laying down immediately after eating. When you do lay down, use pillows to prop your head above your chest and lay on an incline

3.      Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Try drinking small amounts consistently, focusing on more fluids during the first half of the day (drinking too much close to bedtime can lead to more night wakings…and we know these happen enough already!). Also, avoid drinking a lot during meals to prevent dilution of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. 

4.      Drink lemon or apple cider vinegar water to support proper digestion and proper stomach acid levels. Try adding 1-2 tablespoons to a glass of water and drink before or in between meals. This helps increase the acid needed in your stomach to break down food and aids in digestion.

5.      Take probiotics and digestive enzymes to aid digestion. Consult your doctor to identify which ones are best for you and your digestive needs.

6.      Stretch! Practicing diaphragmatic breathing and yoga along with prenatal stretches can help decrease tension around the chest and abdomen. Getting good movement in this area can help take stress and tension away from the diaphragm and stomach, allowing better function and positioning.

Remember: before starting any new routines or supplements, consult your healthcare provider.

You do not have to suffer from prenatal heartburn! Hopefully, these suggestions will provide you with some relief. If you are suffering from heartburn, we may be able to help! Call us to schedule your appointment.

In health,

Dr. Abbey

(216) 952-3830
