Natural Options for Managing Your Child’s Fever

Did you know fevers are helpful and an important part of a functioning immune system? When the body temperature increases, not only can this prevent infections from spreading but more importantly releases calcium to aid the body’s immune system. So what can you do when your little one has a fever?

1.     Monitor their symptoms: are they sleepy, lethargic, throwing up, congested, or acting normal?

2.     Monitor the fever: while the temperature can be important, be sure to watch if it keeps elevating, staying the same, or dropping

3.     Let them rest and encourage calmer activities

4.     Give them plenty of water/hydration: teas, coconut water, and even homemade gelatin are great options

5.     Provide nutritious food: think bone broth/soup (homemade/fresh if possible), smoothies made with fruits and veggies, and avoid sugars and processed foods

6.     Support with supplements: elderberry, bee propolis, vitamin C, D, &E, and calcium can help the immune system

7.     Take them for an adjustment: adjustments can help boost the immune system and may help the body break a fever

You know your child and what is normal for them. Some children run a fever but act completely normal otherwise. Some may only have a slight temperature elevation, but are very sleepy, run-down, and show other signs of illness. If a child only has a low-grade fever but isn’t acting themselves for several days or is not improving, this may be a sign of something that needs medical attention. Always consult your pediatrician or healthcare provider for specific healthcare needs or advice.

Note: Every child and fever may be different. Please consult your healthcare provider if your family is sick.

Dr. Abbey

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