CranioSacral Therapy as an Alternative and Conservative Care

According to the CDC in a new report , 20 million people in America have suffered from chronic pain that interferes with their daily activities and work.  Chronic pain can be the cause of a severe impact in someone's life. Individuals who have dealt with some type of chronic pain or condition have tried a variety of treatments; some finding relief while some might be in no luck. It is important to recognize that there is not a standard approach to treat pain that will work for everyone. 

For the past few years, the medical community has seen stronger evidence of the benefits of holistic care including craniosacral therapy (CST), acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutritional supplementation and massage therapy. Benefits of holistic care for pain management are increasing. Holistic care has shown to be beneficial as it is designed to work with your body's internal functioning boosting self healing and reducing side effects. It also may reduce dependency on pain medication which can cause or increase risk of addiction.

The goal of holistic approach is to promote the body's ability to heal by also encouraging better nutrition, sleeping patterns, exercises, stress reducing techniques and more. It is ideal to recognize the person as a whole, not only the area of complaint. 

What is CranioSacral Therapy? 

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a very gentle and relaxing hands-on therapy. This technique examines movements of cerebrospinal fluid and the membranes that attach to the inside of the cranium and sacrum, along your nervous system.  It is thought that when performing manipulation to cranial bones, skull and sacrum, it  normalizes the cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system, removing interferences which can improve the body’s own ability to heal. 

CST may also help release restrictions present in the soft tissue surrounding the brain, spine, organs, muscles, and more.  This therapy is based on the idea that the body is connected at all levels. Craniosacral technique is  a noninvasive therapy that uses a  light touch of no greater than a nickel to release restrictions in the craniosacral system. 

When restrictions in your body are released, it may help to reduce pains and aches, improves biological functions, promotes body’s self-regulation and boost healing. Craniosacral Therapy may help with following symptoms/conditions(to name a few):

  • Headaches (migraines, tension headaches)

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic pain

  • Neuralgia

  • Post-concussion syndrome

  • TMJ syndrome

  • Neck Pain

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Pediatric symptoms (oral restrictions, latching issues, more) 

Is CranioSacral Therapy for You?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a technique that can be used when firm pressure is not tolerated. A variety of conditions can make your body sensitive to the touch such as fibromyalgia, chronic inflammation, allodynia, neuralgia and multiple sclerosis. CST can create a very comfortable and calm environment helping your body and mind to relax, promoting body self-healing. 

When dealing with your health, as soon as you create space for healing,  your mental, emotional and physical energy will increase as well. Giving you the support to perform your daily activities with more ease. 

We are here to help. Reach out! 

In health, 

Dr. Shirley