5 Reasons to See a Chiropractor During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of many changes and transitions. While baby is growing, mother’s body is changing and adapting to support the needs of her little one. These new demands, though normal and natural, can cause undesirable symptoms including aches and pains, headaches, nausea and heartburn, fatigue, skin issues, swelling, difficulty with movement, sleep issues, etc. Some of these symptoms may not be completely avoidable, however, natural, conservative care including chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritional support, and manual therapy or exercises may help reduce and relieve them. So, how can chiropractic be beneficial during pregnancy?


1. Ease pregnancy symptoms:

Chiropractic may help ease pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, heartburn, headaches, swelling in feet and hands, and general discomfort. Through chiropractic adjustments and manual therapy, optimal nerve flow and reduced tension in the body help ensure optimal brain-body communication. If there are restrictions of joints of the spine or soft tissue tension, nerve flow/communication can be interrupted, resulting in dysfunction and unwanted symptoms. Chiropractic care checks for these restrictions and helps


2. Natural Relief from Lower Back Pain:

Data shows that more than 50% of women will experience pregnancy-related low back pain. As the baby grows, the mother’s abdomen grows as well and her center of gravity shifts. Her spinal curves also modify to adapt to growing baby. These changes may put more pressure on joints of the spine, especially the low back and pelvis which can cause pain. Chiropractic care (along with other therapies we offer) may help reduce pain by improving joint mobility and function, reducing stress on the joints, improving spine and pelvic alignment, and decreasing soft tissue tension.



3. Optimal Fetal Position:

The position of the pelvis and sacrum play an important role in how baby is most comfortably positioned in the womb. Chiropractic care assesses mother’s alignment and pelvic positioning, helping to ensure optimal function of the pelvis. This allows baby to have optimal room in-utero, making it easier for baby to move and get into a head down position for birth. Often, babies are in the breech position due to uterine or pelvic/sacral constraints which limit their movement or make it uncomfortable for baby. Proper positioning of the baby may help lower the risk of back labor and/or the need for an unnecessary cesarean. Our doctors are certified in the Webster Technique which is a specific chiropractic sacral/pelvic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/sacroiliac joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated which benefits both mother and baby.


4. Easier Labor and Birth:

Chiropractic adjustments may help shorten labor and make the birth process easier. If the mother’s spine and hips are able to move optimally and are in proper alignment, and the nerve communication to the muscles of the pelvic floor and uterus is uninterrupted. This may help labor and birth to progress more easily and with less complications. Many moms who utilize chiropractic during pregnancy report shorter labor and less intense labor symptoms. For moms who want a natural, drug-free birth, chiropractic care can help them achieve that goal.


5. Support Overall Health and Immune Function:

The immune system is intricately connected to the nervous system. Proper function of the nervous system is vital for optimal function of the immune system. During pregnancy, a woman’s body is under more stresses and changes, which puts more demand on the immune system. Chiropractors help patients, especially pregnant women, stay healthy and function their best during pregnancy through recommendations for proper nutrition, supplementation, and healthy lifestyle changes, in addition to caring for mom’s neuromusculoskeletal system. All these healthy lifestyle choices can all have a positive impact on mom and baby’s health.


Choosing chiropractic care as part of your prenatal care is a safe and effective option to manage pregnancy symptoms, promote overall health, and function your best while pregnant. Regardless of how far along you are in your pregnancy or what your birth plans/goals may be, chiropractic can help you feel and function your best. Our doctors can share natural and holistic options to help and support you during your pregnancy, playing an important role in your team of prenatal health care providers.

In Health,

Dr. Abbey