
Sun Safety Tips for Your and Your Family

Spring is just getting started and before we know it summer will be here. Now is a great time to start preparing for summer…especially being in the hot summer sun! Sun exposure is important and has many health benefits, but it’s important to understand safe sun exposure practices. Most people know that the best way for our bodies to get Vitamin D is from the sun, but what many don’t know is that if we don’t have the right nutrients, not only are we not able to convert the sun’s rays into Vitamin D but we are also more likely to get sunburn. Due to changes in hormones, pregnant and postpartum women tend to react differently to sun and not tolerate heat the same. Recognizing these changes and practicing safe, smart habits is beneficial. It is also important to practice safe sun exposure for infants and children.


So what can you do to prepare for the summer sun for you and your family? Check out the list below for tips on how to stay safe in the sun naturally:


1.    Eat a lot of fat! That’s right—fat helps with sun exposure! Diets rich in healthy fats such as coconut, avocado, fish, nuts, and seeds can protect the skin from sunburns. Fatty acids nourish and protect the skin, help with sun absorption, and are important for calcium function. Calcium and Vitamin D work together to help support many normal body functions including bone health, cell function, and immune function. Being able to properly absorb the sun’s rays and make Vitamin D helps the immune system be more balanced and our cells are healthier. You can supplement with Vitamin F to help your body get enough of the essential nutrients it needs to convert the sun’s rays and avoid burning. Making sure you have plenty of Vitamin F weeks before sun exposure may help improve sun absorption and conversion to Vitamin D.

2.    Get plenty of calcium! Calcium is essential for your body to absorb the sun’s rays and convert it to Vitamin D. Without enough calcium, the rays from the sun stay in the first few layers of our skin and overtime turn the skin tough and leathery. Consuming plenty of calcium and healthy fats help with the absorption and processing of the sun’s rays. Calcium is vital for optimal cell function and immune health. Good sources of calcium include green leafy vegetables, grass-fed dairy, and some fish. Taking a quality calcium supplement may be important to insure you are getting enough of this vital nutrient.

3.    Stay hydrated! Drinking plenty of water is helpful and something your body needs more of and craves when it’s hot. If you’re sweating a lot, make sure to replenish your minerals by drinking electrolytes. A simple way to do this is to add Himalayan sea salt to your water. Coconut water and electrolyte drinks such as NOOMA, LMNT, and Ultima are good options as well.

4.    During pregnancy and postpartum, changes in hormones affect how your body metabolizes foods and converts the sun’s energy to vitamin D. In addition to hormone changes, increased blood volume and circulation play factors in this process as well. You may notice that you are more sensitive to the sun and overheat easier. You may need to decrease your time in the sun and avoid being in the heat, especially for prolonged periods.

5.    Enjoy the morning sun. Afternoon sun is often too intense for us and our bodies. Historically, we would have been out in the morning and evening. Starting in the morning will help your body buildup exposure and can start your day with an opiate boost which can give you energy and put you in a good mood.

6.    Only get as much sun exposure as your skin is ready for. Work your way up to being in the sun for longer and longer periods of time. Be sure to monitor how long you are out in the sun, especially on cloudy or windy days at the beach or while in the water. Due to our skin feeling cool due to the water and breeze, we may not notice how much sun exposure we are actually getting. If you have been wearing sunscreen, you may need to re-apply throughout the day.

7.     Closely monitor children’s time in the sun. While it is very important for babies and kids to outdoors and exposed to the sun, their skin is much more sensitive. Pay attention to how much time they have been outside and in the sun. Provide them with shade or put on light clothing to minimize exposure, especially early on in the season.  

8.    Seek shade! If you are outside for a longer period of time than your body is ready for, find shade. If you aren’t going to be near a shady spot, cover up with a light shirt and wear a hat.

9.    Use a natural sunscreen. Most commercial sunscreens have toxic ingredients that may affect hormones or cause other health issues. Opt for a more natural brand such as Badger, All Good, Think Sport, or find a natural handmade option. You can even make your own using natural ingredients. Coconut oil, carrot seed oil, zinc oxide, and other herbs and oils have natural SPFs. If you’re going to be outside for only a short period of time, try not to wear sunscreen. Overtime, you can build up tolerance to being outside in the sun and not needing to use as much sunscreen, if you need any at all. Be aware that everyone’s body and skin types vary; before changing your skincare or SPF routine, consult with your doctor.

10.  Remember: Regular sun exposure is the most natural way to get enough vitamin D. To maintain healthy blood levels, aim to get 10–30 minutes of unprotected (no sunscreen and not wearing long sleeves or pants) in the midday sunlight, several times per week. People with darker skin may need a little more than this. Your exposure time should depend on how sensitive your skin is to sunlight.

11.  Keep yourself cool with a spray bottle. Misting yourself can help cool down your skin and keep your skin hydrated. You can even add 5 drops of peppermint oil to your spritzer bottle to enhance the cooling effect. (Note: If you are pregnant or nursing, talk to your healthcare provider before using essential oils)

12.  If you get sunburned and you have a spot that is taking a long time to heal, watch it. Try not to get burned in the same place over and over. Watch your moles for any changes and be sure to have anything suspicious checked out). You can make natural ointments using aloe, witch hazel and coconut oil to help with healing if you do get burned. The aloe and witch hazel promote healing and hydration while the coconut oil helps provide moisture (and also helps with healing).


Being in nature in the sunlight is one of the best things we can do for our body, mind, and soul. Incorporating these helpful tips can help you and your family enjoy more time in the sun and less time recovering from sunburn or overexposure. So get out there and enjoy the radiant sun responsibly!

Motherhood and Mental Health

It is common for many women to feel sad, overwhelmed, anxious and stressed throughout their pregnancy and even after the baby is born. Pregnancy and a new baby can bring out so many emotions. Depression and anxiety that happen during pregnancy or during the first year of a baby being born are considered medical conditions. Wait, what? Yes! This is a real thing!

For the past few years, mental health awareness has been growing. Even celebrities and athletes are advocating for mental health and how to help. So this is why I wanted to take some time to address mental health and motherhood.

Being a mom is not an easy task. Even harder if you don’t have a support system that can help you navigate through these times.

How common are anxiety and depression during prenatal and postpartum period?

Researchers believe that depression is one of the most common problems women experience during and after pregnancy. According to a national survey, “ About 1 in 8 women experiences postpartum depression after having a baby.” You may feel like you are the only person in the world  who is having these thoughts or feelings but know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Depression and anxiety during or after pregnancy can happen to anyone.

Are there treatments for depression and anxiety?

Yes! There are treatments such as counseling or “talk therapy” that can help you feel better, reduce your symptoms and even make them go away completely. There are options available out there. You can always find the treatment that works best for you. 

What else can I do besides therapy?

Some mothers say that sometimes talking to other parents that are going through similar situations helps them to feel better and makes them feel like they are not alone. Other activities you might try are:

  • Be with others

  • Connect with other moms

  • Join a prenatal yoga class or baby and me class

  • Make time for yourself

  • Do things you enjoy

  • Be realistic with your expectations (mama, you don’t have to be perfect. Know that you are doing great!)

  • Ask for help at home

There are many ways out there available for you that might help through the tough times. Early detection is important for you, your baby, and the rest of your family. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are only human!

We need to fight and overcome that big stigma about mental health being something to hide from. There is a growing number of people experiencing a decay in their mental health and society is becoming more aware of finding ways to respond to our needs. But we still need to keep advocating for ourselves and find something that makes us feel happier and better.

Mama, know you are not alone! If you need help, talk to us! Our office has an extensive list of resources that we can share with you!

With love,

Dr. Shirley

Creating Healthy Habits

First of all, I hope you are having the greatest start for 2022. I know we (at least me!), try to make new health and habits goals when starting the new year. But let's be honest, usually goals last for a few months but what happens after that? You guessed it, we get lost on work and on our daily lifestyle. 

This year I want to do something different. Every month of the year, I  want to work with a new healthy habit. And I want to share that with all of you. Maybe, as a community, we can help each other out to reach our goals and improve our overall health. Isn't it great when our mind and body feels great? Well, I want that feeling to last forever. 

Here is a list of healthy habits and goals I’ve been working on for the past few months and I want to keep incorporating them daily(hope I don’t disappoint!):

  • Meditation - sit down at least 5-10 minutes a day to achieve mental clearness and start my day calm and collected. 

  • Screen Time - definitely need to reduce screen time from my phone. Social media is a big thing nowadays. It’s a way to keep us connected with family and friends but let's be real, it can be so overwhelming at times.

    •  Also, let’s talk about text neck - bad posture creates changes in our natural cervical spine making us prone to dysfunction and weakness of muscles and ligaments. 

    • High screening time can alter our sleeping patterns. It can disrupt the melatonin surge needed to sleep leading to a less restful sleep.

  • Exercising - oh yes! This is a big one, right? But how good you feel physically and mentally after moving and working out. Exercising at least 3x/week boosts your energy, improves metabolism, promotes better sleep and better mood, controls weight and many more benefits. 

  • Self Care - don’t we all need this! Getting regular chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture therapy and/or therapeutic massages helps your body to reduce stress and tension improving your overall body function. It is imperative to take care of ourselves. 

  • Colorful Diet - really important to have a very fun and colorful diet filled with vegetables and fruits. Make new recipes adding color like mac & cheese with carrots and broccoli. Use your imagination to add new and healthy recipes to your life. 

  • Mental Health- this one is a game changer for me. For the past year we have been living difficult times and it is important to keep our mental health in check from time to time. I believe it is important to have a professional who can  guide you in better ways to cope with our difficult times. 

If you or someone you know is looking for ways to take care of your body, know that here at Cleveland Chiropractic we provide chiropractic care, acupuncture therapy, therapeutic massage, prenatal and postpartum care and physical therapy. Do not hesitate to reach out!


With love, 

Dr. Shirley

Dr. Abbey's 2021 Gift Guide

The holidays are here! As you are making your list and checking it twice, you are likely to find gift wish-lists filled with high-tech electronics, commercialized products, processed/sugar-filled “treats.” over-the-top labels, or junk that may soon end up in the trash. Instead of rushing around and being overwhelmed with commercialism, consider a different approach. This year especially, people are encouraged to shop small, shop local, and give less “stuff.” Wanting some ideas for what to gift to your family and friends? Check out this list of unique, health-focused, alternative, and fun ideas!


No matter who are shopping for, food can be an appreciated gift to receive. Buy local goods or gift cards to support local small business restaurants. Here are a few businesses and other useful gift ideas:

·       Healthy eats: Check out 24 Karrot, Juice Labs, Beyond Juicery & Eatery

·       Locally owned restaurants! Be sure to support places you love to help them through the holidays; many offer bonus gift cards, too!

·       Coffee, Tea, or Juice Bars like Juice Labs, Beyond Juicery & Eatery, and Joe Max

·       Grocery stores: check out small markets, grocers, and farms near you to support small business!

For other thoughtful, useful food gifts consider:  

·       Local goods such as honey, bee pollen, maple syrup, grass-fed butter, or fresh baked goods

·       Quality olive oil and balsamic vinegar (Kasandrinos is great! They source directly from their family’s land in Greece)

·       Local meats or gift certificate to a local butcher

·       Quality spices: look for organic and fair-trade options

·       Also, be sure to check out Westside Market!

Looking to share the gift of health? Let us help! We offer gift cards which can be used for any of our services (including massages!). Contact our office at 216-952-3830 or email us to purchase. Also, check out wellness centers and health promoting businesses such as Holistic Halo Salt Spa and Osteostrong.


Wanting to give the gift of experience and fun? Gift certificates are a great way to support local businesses, parks, museums, and the arts and, also, give a meaningful gift. Here are ideas for gift cards that people will appreciate:

·       Check out local artisan shops and boutiques like Cleveland Craft Nook and Artful 21

·       Gift a membership to the zoo, museums, or activity park

·       Gift certificates for local activities/experiences: check out The Kiln Pottery Studio


Below are some ideas to help with everyone on your list:

Gifts for anyone:

·       Weighted blankets: check out Luna and Bearaby

·       Blue light blocking glasses (great idea for kids, too): check out DefenderShield, Night Swannies, and Gunnar Optiks

·       DefenderShield products: help reduce EMF radiation from electronic devices

·       Instapot (so many delicious and healthy recipes can be made quickly and easily with it)

·       Fairtrade, organic coffee or tea

·       Salt lamps: check out Holistic Halo Salt Spa

·       Essential Oils and a diffuser: (Plant Therapy, Young Living, and DoTerra offer quality essential oils)

·       Collagen peptides (we love Vital Proteins! We carry it in our office.)

·       Better for your feet/more functional footwear: Xero Shoes, Softstar shoes, Vivobarefoot, Lems, Be Lenka, Feel Grounds

·       Correct Toes toe spacers



Gift Ideas for Women:

In addition to some of the other ideas already listed, here are some ideas for the women and moms in your life:

·       Natural wax candles made with essential oils

·       Gift cards or memberships for yoga/pilates classes, fitness programs, or barre classes

·       Non-toxic nail polish: Zoya, Butter London, Poofy Organics, 100% Pure, Color Street nail strips

·       Better for you beauty: BeautyCounter, Poofy Organics, Crunchi,  100% Pure

·       Massages and spa sessions


Gift Ideas for Pregnancy or Postpartum:

·       Gift certificate for a doula!

·       “Coupons” to run errands, cook meals, or help around the house

·       Mama teas: Traditional Medicinals and Earth Mama Organics have some great blends

·       Belly butter and nipple butter: check out Earth Mama Organics, Honest Co, The Moms Co.

·       Prenatal or postpartum massage (we offer them at our clinic!)

·       Nursing pillow such as the Brestfriend or Boppy

·       Water bottle: check out cute custom ones on Etsy!

·       Belly Armor gear (helps protect against EMF radiation)


Gift Ideas for Men:

·       Gift certificate for physical activities such as rock climbing, martial arts, or fitness centers

·       Gift certificate for a massage (guys love massages, too!)

·       Healthier snacks such as Epic bars or Chomps

·       Custom or personalized gift such as watch, watch/ring holder, or pocket knife

·       Functional footwear like Zero shoes, Lems, Vivobarefoot; also consider toe socks!

·       Quality/non-toxic skin products such as beard oil, deodorant, soaps, and lotions (Check out Beautcounter’s and Maison Apothecare’s men’s line!)


Gift Ideas for Baby/Toddler:

·       Ana & Anais swaddles

·       Wooden toys or blocks (make sure they do not have lead paint!)

·       Wooden letter piggy bank

·       Personalized name puzzle

·       Honeysticks natural beeswax crayons

·       Books (check out ones about nature, animals, learning the world, and learning about emotions)

·       And be sure to check out Etsy or local boutiques for other great ideas!


Gift Ideas for Kids:

·       Membership to the zoo or a museum

·       Monthly activities kits for kids (such as Kiwi or Green Kids Crafts)

·       Activity membership: swim, dance, gymnastics, karate, art classes, music lessons, etc

·       Kid cooking set

·       Indoor garden set for kids

·       Books (check out ones about nature, health, and kindness)

·       Also, check Etsy or local boutiques for other great ideas!


Hope these ideas inspire you and help with your holiday gifting. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season! May it be full of love, peace, and joy.

Tips for Working out With a Baby/Toddler at Home

Me before kids: 5-6 workouts a week including a mix of CrossFit and running


Me after kids: uhhh, how is there time to workout???


We all know exercise is good for us and as mothers we need to make time for ourselves…and let our kids see us making healthy choices.  Are you as sick of seeing fitness coaches talk about this on social media as I am? 


Real talk.  Being a mom is hard.  Being a mom in 2021 (and 2020) is even harder.  It is so hard to entertain children, take care of a home, make meals for your family, work, and take care of yourself.  We cannot  do it all.  I repeat, we cannot do it all.  Believe me, I try to…and it doesn’t happen. 


It can also be super hard to see a mom rocking out a workout on Instagram when you don’t have clean pants to wear because you haven’t had time to do laundry.  I try to give myself friendly reminders that we all don’t have the same 24 hours in a day.  We all have different resources and different obligations each day.  Our support teams are completely different. 


So, if you’ve found this post and you’ve made it this far, you’re probably wondering… how the heck can you workout with a baby and/or toddler at home. 


Here are some things that have worked for me over the years as a mom of now 2 (3.5 and 1.5 year old boys…who don’t sleep ;) )


1)    Walk with your baby in a baby carrier.

I am a big fan of baby wearing.  I personally used the Moby Wrap and a ring sling when my babies were really little.  When they were able to hold their heads up, I started using a soft structured carrier, the Ergobaby 360.  I found all of them comfortable! 


2)    Stroller walks.

The motion of the stroller may soothe your baby and the fresh air is good for everyone!  Older kiddos may not want to be in the stroller too long.  They may want to take breaks to collect sticks, rocks, and bugs!  As they get older the stroller walks may take more patience.


3)    Wake up just a little earlier or workout during nap time.

This one was ALWAYS hard for me, but the more I let my expectations go, the easier it felt.  I recommend trying a short 12-20 minute workout- something that you can commit to consistently.  Consistency is key with this one!


4)    Workout with your baby/toddler.

THIS.  This is how I was able to consistently workout.  As I mentioned above, this one also took some letting go of expectations.  This is why I co-wrote my e-book “Baby/Toddler + Me Fitness”.  Some days I can get through the whole programmed workout and other days I am just doing the conditioning portion.  In the summer, we get outside and the boys play in the yard while I workout on the driveway.  Sometimes my oldest asks to workout with me.  Sometimes my youngest wants to be held while I am doing step ups and lunges.  My book is half off for the rest of the 2021!


Baby carriers can also be used for workouts!  Of course you may be limited in the intensity you are working out and need to be mindful of how comfortable your baby is, but my boys were big fans of air squats in the baby carrier!

I hope you find some of these suggestions helpful! 

In health,

Dr. C

Snag my Baby/Toddler + Me Fitness E-book here!

Laugh without Leaking

Having a great time with friends laughing about the latest crazy adventures of motherhood? Have you ever laughed so hard that you “peed your pants’? While that is a common expression and experience for many women, it is not “normal.” Many women think that just because they have been pregnant or that they are getting older that urinary incontinence is a normal fact of life that they just have to live with. After all, it happens to everyone, right?

Urinary Incontinence (which is the leaking of urine that you cannot control) is not a normal part of aging or a normal lasting side effect of pregnancy or childbirth. Two of the most common types of urinary incontinence include Stress Urinary Incontinence and Urge Urinary Incontinence. Stress Incontinence is leaking when you are walking, bending, lifting, sneezing, coughing, or laughing. Urge Urinary Incontinence which is the sudden “urge” to urinate even if your bladder is not completely full. Having both of these types of symptoms? That is called Mixed Urinary Incontinence -yes, the “best” of both worlds- leaking with activity and /or feeling of a strong urge to urinate frequently.

Despite these symptoms being common, (nearly 1 out of 3 women have some type of incontinence symptoms during their lifetime) there are many things that can be done to decrease or eliminate incontinence, especially if treated early.

*Lifestyle changes can be extremely effective- looking at behavioral factor and nutrition can decrease symptoms.

*Bladder Retraining strategies- no “just in case” going to the bathroom, keeping a bladder diary for a few days.

*Looking at exercise, movements and lifting patterns- increased intraabdominal pressure can put pressure on pelvic floor muscle causing increased leakage

*Pelvic Health Physical Therapy to address any muscle weakness or tightness in Pelvic floor causing urinary leakage.

If you have these symptoms and are ready to address them, come see our physical therapist, Chrissy, for a physical therapy evaluation. Chrissy partners with each client to develop an individualized holistic approach to help you mange and eliminate your incontinence issues so you have the freedom to laugh as hard as you want- without fear!

Appointments with Chrissy can be scheduled online via our website or by calling 216-952-3830.