Solid Foods, When to Start and How Feeding Help’s Baby Talk

When a baby is about 6 months old or so, it is very common to start introducing solid foods. Every child will reach their milestones at their own pace. Are you wondering if your baby is ready to start solids? There are a few keys that can tell you if your baby is ready for solid foods: 

  • Able to hold and keep their head up while sitting

  • Showing interest in food people is eating in his surroundings

  • Opens mouth when food is being approached

  • Holds spoon and move food from spoon to mouth

Veggies and fruit purees are a great start! Introduce one food at a time to make sure the baby does not have any allergies or reaction to that food. Also, make sure your little one is calm and comfortable when introducing solids, meaning feed a small amount of milk before offering solids so the baby does not get frustrated while being hungry. Also, solids alone will not provide all the nutrients needed during developmental stages. 

Did you know that eating can help babies talk? 

According to Heidi Sloan, pediatric speech-language pathologist, “The mouth has a whole bunch of muscles! The most important, and the most obvious ones, to us are the muscles of the lips, tongue, and the muscles that control the jaw. So, for example, we use our lips to say, ‘ba, and pa, and mmm.’ Those are the same muscles that you use to clear food off of a spoon.”

Feeding can help with speaking abilities, as feeding and swallowing helps babies to build the muscles that are important and needed when talking.

If you are noticing your little one has issues chewing certain foods, they develop tension on their neck and/or jaw, maybe some restrictions on their neck, jaw and upper back might be present. 

Chiropractic adjustments for infants are gentle, specific and comfortable. It helps to restore mobility and decrease tension, improving your child's body function and nervous system. 

Your little one will have great benefits from chiropractic care. Schedule an appointment today! 

Dr. Shirley
