Postpartum Care: Coping with Body Image

Postpartum is a period of adjustment and healing for the mother. During this time, you will bond with your baby but you may also experience body changes.  Body pain, urinary incontinence and/or muscle tension during your fourth trimester can be present. The cause? It could have been a strained muscles during delivery, pelvic floor muscle weakness, pregnancy hormones (loose ligaments), breastfeeding positions, holding/lifting baby and core muscles instability/weakness. 

After a few weeks, some of these issues may resolve. But what if you are still suffering from back pain for weeks (even months!) after giving birth? Experiencing urinary incontinence when exercising, laughing or running? Feeling constant body tension and anxiety? If you say yes to any of these questions,  know that you are not alone.

It is quite common to experience some of these symptoms after either vaginal or cesarean birth.  However, it does not mean that it is normal and that you have to deal with it because you just had a baby. Know that you do have options! 

The following treatments can help you make your postpartum journey more enjoyable:

  • Chiropractic care - chiropractic adjustments restore joint mobility reducing restrictions in your spine and pelvis relieving any nerve pressure present. When your body is working  and moving properly, it can speed your recovery and healing.  This is a plus during the fourth trimester!

  • Massage therapy - postpartum massages may help to relax your muscles, increase blood circulation and lower stress hormones, bringing stress relief. Massage can help during your emotional transition bringing relaxation to your life. 

  • Acupuncture - acupuncture treatment can be beneficial with stress management, pain relief, promotion of healthy digestion and improved quality of sleep. 

  • Pelvic floor PT  - Specialized PT can assess for any pelvic floor muscle tightness or weakness that can be causing your urinary incontinence and back pain. Pelvic PT will guide you in the right direction. 

Reach out if you are experiencing pain, discomfort or just looking for additional postpartum care information. Your body may need a little push to get back in balance. We can help! 

Cleveland Chiropractic & Integrative Health Center

(216) 952-3830