
Chiropractic Care + The Immune System

As the kids head back to school, fall sports are in full swing, and the weather starts to cool, we know summer is coming to an end. September is a great time to start boosting your immune system (if you haven’t already!). During the summer, we benefit from more days outside in the sun (hello Vitamin D!), fresh local fruits and vegetables, and, typically, more water intake. These are all wonderful for our bodies and help boost our immune system. But what can you do in the fall and winter when fresh local produce isn’t available and the weather changes? Of course, practicing good hygiene such as properly washing your hands and covering your mouth/nose when you cough or sneeze helps, but our bodies need more support! Fast-paced lifestyles of modern life typically bring more stress, less rest, more processed foods, and other unhealthy habits. These cause more stress on our bodies and immune systems so we require more support, especially during times of change and increased stress…such as the start of school, change of seasons, and even pregnancy! 

Thankfully, there are many effective ways you can support your body and boost your immune system…naturally! Rest and movement are essential to optimal health and function. Especially during times of stress, making adequate time for sleep and exercise are important. Also, don’t forget to get adjusted! Patients have reported being sick less and feel better overall through chiropractic care. Research has shown chiropractic adjustments have a positive effect on T- and B-lymphocytes, NK-cells, plasma beta-endorphins and antibody levels, and phagocytic activity, all of which are known to play important roles in the body’s immune response and function. Data has also showed that in as little as 20 minutes after an adjustment, immunoglobin G (IgG) significantly increases and by 2 hours immunoglobin M (IgM) significantly increases as well! Both IgG and IgM are very important antibodies: IgG is the most abundant type of antibody, protecting against bacterial and viral infections and IgM is the first antibody to be made by the body to fight a new infection. 

Looking for other ways to help boost your immune system? Vitamins and herbs have been researched and shown to benefit immune function. Important immune system boosting nutrients include Vitamins D, C, and E, Calcium Lactate, and Echinacea. Other natural ways to boost your immune system include taking elderberry syrup and/or propolis spray. Of course, before starting any new regiment or taking something new, consult your doctor (our chiropractors specialize in nutrition). Eating healthy is a vital part of a properly functioning immune system. Adding garlic, onions, turmeric, and even certain mushrooms to your cooking may help boost your immune system, too!

During this change of seasons (and as the holidays will be quickly approaching), make sure to allow time for yourself. Take things in moderation, incorporate self-care, and don’t forget about regular chiropractic adjustments to help keep your immune system healthy and strong!

-Dr. Abbey

Chiropractic Care for Newborns and Toddlers

Recently, several of my patients (especially soon to be moms) have come to me asking how soon they should bring their newborns for chiropractic care after being born? The answer is as soon as they want.  Many moms and dads want to take time to bond with their baby, and that’s completely fine! Your baby can wait until you feel ready. However, at times, some babies can go through trauma during birth. The labor process can place a great amount of stress on the infant as well as the mother. Chiropractic care shortly after birth can help to correct any issues caused during birth.  If baby seems to be colicky, tilting their neck to one side (torticollis), having latching problems, are example of symptoms newborns present that might be caused by restrictions on their bodies.


Infant adjustments are extremely gentle.  There is no audible (“cracking”). The pressure applied is comparable to the force you use if you place your finger on your eyelid and press gently. An adjustment on babies will look like sustained pressure, gentle massages, or small compression. We can also create movement by using an instrument called an activator.


Infant to Toddler

Later in life, when babies turn into toddlers, they start falling frequently. This is completely normal! But falling might start causing restrictions on the toddler’s body. For example, their neck or back can get tweaked a little after a fall. Regular chiropractic care can help to correct any structural restrictions resulting from daily activities such as learning how to walk, play time, and more.


It is never too early or too late to begin chiropractic care for your child. If you want to know more about chiropractic for infants and adults, you can contact me at  I’m here to help!


Dr. Shirley