chiropractic care

Sciatic Pain + Chiropractic

According to research, sciatica symptoms are so common that 40% of the people are affected by it. Most cases can be mild and resolved on their own. However, when symptoms do not subside, it can cause weakness, chronic pain and radiating symptoms that get worse with time. 

What is sciatica? 

Sciatic nerve is a nerve that travels from the lower back, along the hips and posterior leg. Pain can be caused by inflammation, pinching, irritation or compression of the nerve around the lower back. Symptoms can be experienced along these areas commonly with the radiating pain down the to buttock and leg. 

Mostly, people will experience sciatica pain along one side. Symptoms can be shock/shooting pain down, weakness/numbness down the leg, pain down the hip. Pain can range from mild to severe depending on location and how bad inflammation is. 

One of the most common causes of sciatica pain can be due to irritation, bulging or herniated or a vertebral disc. Another common symptom is caused by what is called “ piriformis syndrome”. When there is irritation or spasms of the piriformis muscle it can put pressure on the sciatica nerve causing pain and weakness down the lower extremity. These symptoms usually do not pass the knee.

Common symptoms: 

  • Pain radiating down buttock, leg, feet

  • Lower back pain

  • Numbness/weakness down leg or feet

  • Sharp/burning sensation back, sacroiliac joint

  • Pain when sitting or standing

  • Inability to put weight on leg

How can chiropractic care help?

Chiropractic adjustments are designed to restore normal joint mobility, improve stability and reduce joint restrictions. The presence of joint restrictions, muscle and ligament instability around the lower back, pelvis and hips, can make it difficult for a person to move around. 

Chiropractic care can help tremendously in alleviating and relieving lower back and sciatica pain.  Chiropractic adjustments are safe, effective and gentle.

Here are a few positions and exercises recommended for to help alleviate tightness and improve muscle/ligament stability and joint mobility: 

  • Apply ice/heat

  • Pigeon Pose

  • Lunges (Progress to lizard)

  • Seated figure 4 

  • Cat/Cow

  • Hip Thrust

  • Straddle stretch

These exercises and stretches are beginner friendly. But always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise routine. We can help to create a unique routine addressing your goals and needs!

We can help you. Call us today! 


Dr. Shirley


Managing Pain with a Holistic Approach

According to the CDC,  20.4% of adults in America suffer from chronic pain. 35% of those adults have been experiencing severe pain that they have to limit their work or life activities. Chronic pain can cause a severe impact in someone's life. 

Majority of individuals who deal with chronic conditions have tried a variety of treatments. Some will find the relief they are looking for, while some might not have the same luck. It is imperative to recognize that there is not a standard approach to treat pain that will work for everyone. 

Recently, the medical community has seen stronger evidence of the benefits of holistic care. These include acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutritional supplementation and massage to name a few. 

These are a few benefits of holistic care for pain management: 

  • It can often work when more traditional treatments have failed. 

  • It is designed to  work with your body's internal functioning triggering self healing, reducing side effects.

  • It can reduce dependency on pain medication which can cause or increase risk of addiction. 

  • Treatment is tailored to your condition and needs!!!

The goal of holistic approach is to promote the body's ability to heal by also encouraging better nutrition, sleeping patterns, exercises, stress reducing techniques and more. It is ideal to recognize the person as a whole, not only the area of complaint. 

When dealing with your health properly, you are creating a space for healing giving your mental, emotional and physical health the energy and the support it needs to perform your daily activities with more ease. It is never too late to take action. 

Start taking care of your body TODAY!

Dr. Shirley

Cleveland Chiropractic

(216) 952-3830

Chiropractic Care + The Immune System

As the kids head back to school, fall sports are in full swing, and the weather starts to cool, we know summer is coming to an end. September is a great time to start boosting your immune system (if you haven’t already!). During the summer, we benefit from more days outside in the sun (hello Vitamin D!), fresh local fruits and vegetables, and, typically, more water intake. These are all wonderful for our bodies and help boost our immune system. But what can you do in the fall and winter when fresh local produce isn’t available and the weather changes? Of course, practicing good hygiene such as properly washing your hands and covering your mouth/nose when you cough or sneeze helps, but our bodies need more support! Fast-paced lifestyles of modern life typically bring more stress, less rest, more processed foods, and other unhealthy habits. These cause more stress on our bodies and immune systems so we require more support, especially during times of change and increased stress…such as the start of school, change of seasons, and even pregnancy! 

Thankfully, there are many effective ways you can support your body and boost your immune system…naturally! Rest and movement are essential to optimal health and function. Especially during times of stress, making adequate time for sleep and exercise are important. Also, don’t forget to get adjusted! Patients have reported being sick less and feel better overall through chiropractic care. Research has shown chiropractic adjustments have a positive effect on T- and B-lymphocytes, NK-cells, plasma beta-endorphins and antibody levels, and phagocytic activity, all of which are known to play important roles in the body’s immune response and function. Data has also showed that in as little as 20 minutes after an adjustment, immunoglobin G (IgG) significantly increases and by 2 hours immunoglobin M (IgM) significantly increases as well! Both IgG and IgM are very important antibodies: IgG is the most abundant type of antibody, protecting against bacterial and viral infections and IgM is the first antibody to be made by the body to fight a new infection. 

Looking for other ways to help boost your immune system? Vitamins and herbs have been researched and shown to benefit immune function. Important immune system boosting nutrients include Vitamins D, C, and E, Calcium Lactate, and Echinacea. Other natural ways to boost your immune system include taking elderberry syrup and/or propolis spray. Of course, before starting any new regiment or taking something new, consult your doctor (our chiropractors specialize in nutrition). Eating healthy is a vital part of a properly functioning immune system. Adding garlic, onions, turmeric, and even certain mushrooms to your cooking may help boost your immune system, too!

During this change of seasons (and as the holidays will be quickly approaching), make sure to allow time for yourself. Take things in moderation, incorporate self-care, and don’t forget about regular chiropractic adjustments to help keep your immune system healthy and strong!

-Dr. Abbey